Welcome To Mystical Me!
Hi there, I’m Julie McBride, and I’m the founder of Mystical Me. Let me tell you about myself, why I started this online resource, and what I hope it will achieve.
Since I was a small child, I’ve been fascinated by spirituality and have had many mystical experiences. I’ve always had a deep sense of connection to the world around me, and I have spent a lot of time traveling the globe and learning about different cultures and spiritual traditions.
One of my most transformative experiences was traveling to India and staying in the ashram of my spiritual teacher. There, I deepened my understanding of meditation, yoga, and energy work, and found a sense of peace and balance that has stayed with me ever since.
I created Mystical Me to share my experiences and knowledge with others seeking a deeper connection with their spirituality. Through our site, we cover a wide range of topics, from chakras and psychic abilities to Reiki and natural healing, numerology, tarot, and more.
I hope that Mystical Me can be a place of inspiration, learning, and connection for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and explore their innermost selves.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!
With Love
Our workbook is an instant digital download that’s delivered straight to your inbox after you enter your best email address.
It’s a PDF document with 10 printable pages that will guide you through various exercises and activities to help you develop your psychic senses.