5 things I want to help you with on Mystical Me

5 Things I Want To Help You With On Mystical Me

Hello Mystical You! Today I want to talk about the MysticalMe.Com Platform and why I created it, so I put together this quick list of the main 5 things I want to help you with on Mystical Me.

In this life, I have been very blessed to travel to many incredible places in the world. I grew up in Australia and have lived in Bali, Malaysia, and Europe, and even spent extended periods of time at the feet of my spiritual master in India.

Along the way, I have learned a great many things about meditation, spirituality, psychic abilities, and other wonderful things that others would perhaps call “mystical.

As I child I remember just “knowing things” well in advance of them happening, and while others thought that was ‘different’, these things always seemed very natural to me.

One of the most important things I have learned through my spiritual journey is that the Universe is a place of love and peace, and more importantly, these wonderful qualities are actually a part of all of us.

I want to help you discover just how magically mystical you are, and hopefully, help encourage you to delve deep inside to nurture the truly beautiful soul that you are.

1. Help You Discover Who You Really Are!

I want to provide you with interesting conversations about your inner self and the amazing abilities that you ( yes! You!) hold within.

2. Provide Information To Instil You With Confidence

When you are on a journey of inner discovery, it is really important that you have confidence in the knowledge of where you have been so far, where you are now in your journey..and what the final destination will be.

While every person is uniquely different, I want to help you find the knowledge you need to get where you are meant to be in this lifetime

3. Provide You With Spiritually Based Guides, Lessons and Resources.

Like a regular journey, discovering your true inner self is a set of lessons along the way. It’s a journey you can’t hurry, and it’s also a journey that is deeply personal to you

On this website, you will find exercises, downloads, and other materials to help you on your way.

In fact, you can access a very useful exercise to help you with relaxation and destressing using spiritual self-care techniques, meditation, and energy healing. Head over to our Spiritual Resources category regularly as it’s updated often.

4. Recommend Books and Other Valuable Learning Resources

Knowledge is power, and it’s only through developing an inquiring mind that we learn what we are looking for, what we believe ..and what pathway we are most comfortable with.

That’s why you will find me referring to a variety of different resources to help you along the way as we discuss different topics and ideas.. And of course…you may well have some interesting resources of your own to share! I can’t wait to hear about them!

5. Provide You With A Warm Safe and Welcoming Environment

MysticalMe.Com is all about learning and feeling comfortable as we explore our inner abilities and talents.

As such I want to help you feel free to interact with the team, ask questions, comment on posts, and even join our private Facebook group if you would like to interact more.

We value and appreciate you for the mystical, spiritual, and totally beautiful being you are, and are so glad you are part of our community

So there you have it!

Welcome To Mystical Me! I’m so glad you are here!

Let’s get started, shall we?

Much Love

Hi there, I'm Julie McB, and I'm the founder of Mystical Me. Since I was a small child, I've been fascinated by spirituality and have had many mystical experiences. I've always had a deep sense of connection to the world around me, and have spent a lot of time traveling the globe and learning about different cultures and spiritual traditions. One of my most transformative experiences was traveling to India and staying in the ashram of my spiritual teacher. There, I deepened my understanding of meditation, yoga, and energy work, and found a sense of peace and balance that has stayed with me ever since. I created Mystical Me to share my experiences and knowledge with others who are seeking a deeper connection with their spirituality. Through our site, we cover a wide range of topics, from chakras and psychic abilities to Reiki and natural healing, numerology, tarot, and more. My hope is that Mystical Me can be a place of inspiration, learning, and connection for anyone who is seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and explore their innermost selves. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


Our workbook is an instant digital download that’s delivered straight to your inbox after you enter your best email address.

It’s a PDF document with 10 printable pages that will guide you through various exercises and activities to help you develop your psychic senses.

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